Wow, was that title a mouthful.
I posted two weeks ago on my social media platforms that starting Monday June 7th, I will start my "voluntary seclusion project that celebrates compositions of Asian composers".
I do apologise for the incessant bombardment of word clumps I call titles.
Toddling back my original point, I made a recording earlier this Monday. Unfortunately, it did not get published till Tuesday evening/Wednesday morning. The reason for the last arrival — struggles with decision making.
The piece that is being featured this week is a composition that was gifted to me for my 30th birthday. The composer is Brandon Zhou, and he had this brilliant idea of transcribing two preludes of Alexander Scriabin. Upon receiving the gift, my lazy backside has been sitting on it ever since. …till now…
The composition is a quaint yet fiddly little thing. I took many many liberties and sort of adopted spontaneity as a middle name. I love solo violin works for this particular reason. In my humble opinion, works for a solo instrument allows performers to express themselves at a more unfettered level. Shall I reword this? Whenever I approach a solo violin composition, 'it' and I embark on an exhilarating intrigue. I court it, I feed it love, I scream at it, I metaphorically beat it up with a baking tray, and finally, I find contentment and peace. Sometimes this all happens within the span of 72 hours.
Most of the time, my wild dalliances with solo pieces is legitimately a manifestation of my severe issue with discipline and authority.
I am quite lucky that during my collaboration with Brandon, he sanctioned my dissentive behaviour.
Until next week, enjoy the video below.